How Do You Generate Great Ideas in Media?

There’s a fantastic interview in Advertising Age with Marla Kaplowitz, the CEO of MEC North America, a leading media agency. Here’s an excerpt and be sure to check out the entire interview over at AdAge.

Advertising Age: Where do great media strategies come from?

Marla Kaplowitz: Everyone has their own source of inspiration for creativity. Sometimes I have to walk away from the office. I love the MOMA design store and the MOMA catalog to look at objects that are askew or different, and it gets me to look differently at problems. When we are trying to come up with an idea for a client, we bring people from different disciplines together at MEC.

Ad Age: How do they then “make the ideas?”

Ms. Kaplowitz: It could be everything from what we call “blockage buster,” which is having people focus on the biggest barrier your brand has to achieving success and then solving that. It could be “brainwalking,” which is having people walk around and brain dump ideas based on words, stimuli.

Read the entire interview at Advertising Age.

Also be sure to check out Ad Week’s entire interview with Kaplowitz from last year.
